1. C.V. - Dr. Ismail Al Hosani
Personal Information:
Name: Ismail Abdul Rahim Al Hosani
Date of Birth: 1958
Address: Tel: 02-6788003
P. O. Box: 4840, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
E-mail: eaesc@eim.ae
Nationality: U.A.E
2003 PhD-Environmental Impact Assessment , Management & Protection
1999 Master Of Science Degree Marine Protection and Management
1986 B.Sc In Marine Science
1980 Diploma in Marine Science from Britannia Royal Naval College (B. R.N.C.)
Work Experience:
1976- 1980 Ministry of Petroleum & Industry
1980- 2005 UAE Navy
Ship Captain
Head Of The Training In School Navy
Head Of Communication Dept.
Deputy Commander For Jabel Ali Navy Base
2006 - Dascam consultancy and Training (Consultant)
Supreme Petroleum Council ADNOC (Crisis Management Coordinator)
2007 - Dascam consultancy and training
Senior Consultant Crisis Management System
General Manager of Emirates American Environmental Science Center (EAESC), Abu Dhabi , UAE.
General Manager of Emirates International Environmental Consultancy (EIEC), Abu Dhabi , UAE.
Carrier field
Since my study and experience were in the marine management and environmental life and crisis management, so my field and specialty include:
§ Coastal Pollution : Problems & their Control, Contingency Planning for Oil Spills , Crisis Management In Coastal Area ,Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Projects, Environmental Management System, Environmental Management Systems In View of ISO 14001, Environmental Monitoring & Surveillance In Coastal Areas, Impact Of Industry On Coastal Areas, Inland Oil Spill Clean-up Techniques, Marine Oil Pollution & Its Control, Marine Pollution Monitoring , Radar & Coastal Navigation ,Radiation Pollution In Coastal Area , Risk Crisis Management & Response Plans , Safety Regulations For Handling & Distribution Of Gasoline & Compressed Gas Cylinders, Marine Communication Specialist, Incident Command System, Oil Spill Management Response, Trajectory Modeling Training Course, Health & Safety Environment (HSE) lecturer, Crisis Management System (CMS) lecturer,
ADESCO:Abu Dhabi Emergency Support Committee for Offshore Operator
RECSO : Regional Clean Sea Organisation
ERCMS : Emergency Response And Crisis Management System- Emirate Of Abu Dhabi
ISCO : International Spill Control Organization
§ Environmental Security Planning, Prevention and Disaster Response in the Arabian Gulf Region (Bahrain/September 2004)
§ The 2nd International Conference on Present & Future Technology of Navigation and Marine Sciences of Mediterranean and Red Seas (Egypt / 2001)
§ Oil Pollution (Bahrain/2000)
§ Aerial Surveillance Workshop & Exercise May 2001
§ The Regional Workshop For National Authorities Of the GCC States
On Implementation Of The (CWC) AbuDhabi: UAE 7-10
May 2006
§ SHE Conference Abu Dhabi APRIL 2006.
§ Environ mental Contest MAY 2006.UAE University , Al Ain
§ Crisis Management Training, Johannesburg 2006
§ Off shore Arabia conference, Chair technical session, Dubai-2006 UAE
§ Workshop on damage assessment, claims and oil finger printing analysis 20th-22nd may 2007, kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Essays written to the local and international magazines like: Police Magazines (Dubai ), Beaatona Magazines ( Kuwait )
- Book Entitled: Crisis Management System, Book written in 2007
Which considered the only book speaking about the Incident Management Tools, An organizational built around 5 major response management “ Function”, Function applied to all incidents large or small,
Provide supervisory authority & reporting relationship, provide “unity of commands”.
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