Team work

الاثنين، 29 نوفمبر 2010

1.  C.V. - Dr. Ismail Al Hosani

Personal Information:
Name:        Ismail Abdul Rahim Al Hosani
Date of Birth:               1958
Address:    Tel: 02-6788003
Mobile: 050-6414181
P. O. Box: 4840, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Nationality:                 U.A.E

2003  PhD-Environmental Impact Assessment , Management & Protection
1999  Master Of  Science Degree Marine Protection and Management
1986  B.Sc In Marine Science                                                         
1980  Diploma in Marine Science from Britannia Royal Naval College (B. R.N.C.)
Work Experience: 

1976- 1980             Ministry of Petroleum & Industry                         
1980- 2005                     UAE Navy                                                                                   
­   Ship Captain                                 
­   Head Of The Training In School Navy
­   Head Of Communication Dept.           
­   Deputy Commander For Jabel Ali Navy Base

2006                      -  Dascam consultancy and Training (Consultant)
­   Supreme Petroleum Council ADNOC (Crisis Management Coordinator)

2007                    -  Dascam consultancy and training 
                               Senior Consultant Crisis Management System
General Manager of Emirates American Environmental Science Center (EAESC), Abu Dhabi, UAE.

                             General Manager of Emirates International Environmental Consultancy (EIEC), Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Carrier field

Since my study and experience were in the marine management and environmental life and crisis management, so my field and specialty include:

§                    Coastal Pollution : Problems & their Control, Contingency Planning for Oil Spills , Crisis Management In Coastal Area ,Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Projects, Environmental Management System, Environmental Management Systems In View of  ISO 14001, Environmental Monitoring & Surveillance In Coastal Areas, Impact Of Industry On Coastal Areas, Inland Oil Spill Clean-up Techniques, Marine Oil Pollution & Its Control, Marine Pollution Monitoring , Radar & Coastal Navigation  ,Radiation Pollution In Coastal Area , Risk Crisis Management & Response Plans , Safety Regulations For Handling & Distribution Of Gasoline & Compressed Gas Cylinders, Marine Communication  Specialist, Incident Command System, Oil Spill Management Response, Trajectory Modeling Training Course, Health & Safety Environment (HSE) lecturer, Crisis Management    System (CMS) lecturer,


 ADESCO:Abu Dhabi Emergency Support Committee for Offshore Operator
 RECSO : Regional Clean Sea Organisation
ERCMS : Emergency Response And Crisis Management System- Emirate Of Abu Dhabi
ISCO : International Spill Control Organization


§        Environmental Security Planning, Prevention and Disaster Response in the Arabian Gulf Region (Bahrain/September 2004)
§        The 2nd International Conference on Present & Future Technology of Navigation and Marine Sciences of Mediterranean and Red Seas (Egypt / 2001)
§         Oil Pollution (Bahrain/2000)

§        Aerial Surveillance Workshop & Exercise  May 2001
§         The Regional Workshop For National Authorities Of the GCC States
        On Implementation Of The (CWC) AbuDhabi: UAE 7-10
         May 2006
§        SHE Conference Abu Dhabi APRIL 2006.
§        Environ mental Contest MAY 2006.UAE University, Al Ain        
§  Crisis Management Training, Johannesburg 2006
§  Off shore Arabia conference, Chair technical session,  Dubai-2006 UAE
§  Workshop on damage assessment, claims and oil finger printing analysis 20th-22nd may 2007, kingdom of Saudi Arabia

-         Essays written to the local and international magazines like: Police Magazines (Dubai), Beaatona Magazines ( Kuwait)
-         Book Entitled: Crisis Management System, Book written in  2007
Which considered the only book speaking about the Incident Management Tools, An organizational built around 5 major response management “ Function”, Function applied to all incidents large or small,
Provide supervisory authority & reporting relationship, provide “unity of commands”.

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